Why do we need to consider nutrition?
According to the NHS Statistics on obesity 2018 brochure
In the UK during 2017:
- 26% of Adults were classified as obese up from 15% in 1993
- 1 in 5 Year 6 Children were classified as obese
- 74% of adults failed to consume the recommended 5 or more portions of fruit or veg per day
- 84% of Children failed to consume the recommended 5 or more portions of fruit or veg per day
- 617,000 Hospital admissions occurred where obesity was a factor, an 18% increase from 2015/16
- The USA reports 38% of the Adults were classified as obese
Of adults are classified as obese
Of adults fail to consume 5 fruit or veg per day
Of children fail to consume 5 fruit or veg per day
Yet the population is becoming increasingly health conscious, making better decisions, pursuing healthier choices including organic produce, even opting for vegetarian or vegan lifestyles, So how do we see an 18% increase in hospital admissions where obesity was a factor in just 12 months? What is going wrong?

What Nutrients do we need?
Briefly they include:
carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water. These nutrient classes are categorized as either macronutrients or micronutrients
Examples of necessary minerals are: Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Chlorine and Trace elements such as Cobalt, Copper, Chromium, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium
Required Vitamins include A, B1, B2, Niacin, B12, C, D, E, K
There are approximately 70 Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins that our body requires on a daily basis. It is important to understand this because our DNA is comparable to a set of instructions for us on how to create the cells that make up our body, similar to a recipe, however if some of the ingredients are missing this is where health problems can arise. Unfortunately due to modern farming practices many of these required nutrients are no longer in the soil for our fruit and vegetables to be able to absorb.

- 30% of soils Yara Analytical Services analysed are below pH 6.0 and 15% are above 7.5 – significantly reducing the availability of Phosphate. Over the last 20 years Yara Analytical Services have analysed over 1.6 million soil samples
- 55% of UK and Irish soils analysed by Yara Analytical Services are deficient (below index 2) in either Phosphate, Potash or Magnesium
- 99% of UK soils are deficient in Selenium – a key nutrient for human and animal health.
So now you understand that the problem is at a fundamental level, it does not matter if you choose Organic, Vegetarianism, Veganism, if the nutrients are lacking in the soil, they cannot be absorbed by the fruits and vegetables or plants animals are grazing on and therefore cannot be passed on to us as we consume them.
Now imagine that there was an organisation who took a completely new approach to allowing us to access the nutrition we need in an environmentally conscious and sustainable way, celebrating the nutrients nature has made available for us and working tirelessly to make them available to us all without having to compromise our lifestyle or moral choices. This is exactly what John Anderson; often refered to as “the mineral man” set out to create; in 1980, John transitioned from owning a leather business and doing Estate Trust planning into organic agriculture, animal nutrition and human nutrition.
John says “People have searched far and wide for the “silver bullet”, one raw material that would sweep the country and be the saviour for health. The silver bullet does not exist in one ingredient. People walk up and down the isles, trying to do their best by buying individual supplements with isolated ingredients to feed their whole body.
Isagenix is a system with many ingredients that work together. We first assist the body with cleansing and detoxifying, then replenish and drench the body with micronutrients. The “bullet” for us here at Isagenix is more than 300 ingredients that all work synergistically together.
I have been formulating nutritional products for over 30 years and have seen the power of nutrition.”
Nutrients are merely the raw ingredients, the building blocks for our bodies. Imagine how your body would change if you were provided with the correct Nutrition every day.
What is the perfect muscle food?
Need some tips on recording your weight loss?
Read more about our ethical comittments
Look at the range of nutritious products
Isn’t it interesting how obsessed we get with losing weight?
Seriously, a LOT of people will start their day happy or sad based entirely on the 3-digit number they see flashing back at them each morning. But what’s even more interesting than our obsession with losing weight is the fact that “weight loss” isn’t always the most useful marker of progress. You see, there are many things that influence your daily & weekly body weight. A higher/lower salt intake than normal, Food Intolerances, Where you’re at on your cycle, Hydration Levels, You need to relieve yourself in the bathroom, Food content still in your belly,Hormones,Supplements,DOMS from your heavy workout, The list could go on and on and on…You know what you don’t see on that list? FAT LOSS. Reason being, fat loss doesn’t happen over the course of a day or even a week (well, it does *technically*, but not in a very noticeable or meaningful way). Instead, fat loss happens over the course of multiple weeks and months. So really, it’s just a matter of understanding that weight loss and fat loss are not synonymous. Once you realize that, you can start taking steps that’ll put the power of the scale back in YOUR hands. One way is by taking measurements.
Soooooo many things influence your scale weight, which makes it difficult to know if you’re making progress. But if you’re losing inches, even at the same weight, it’s a good sign you’re losing fat

There will be some days where you consume more calories than you may wish for example going out for a meal to celebrate a birthday or with a friend. Don’t worry about it, Isagenix is a long term solution not a quick fix, when you wake each morning simply remind yourself that you have a clean slate, don’t worry about the day before, enjoy your shakes and get back into the system, never beat yourself up, relax and enjoy the process.